
Studying the Bible on your own

Learning to stand on your own feet (spiritually) is really important. So how do you feed yourself with the right stuff? I use a couple of different methods…depending on how I feel. Mix things up, so it’s exciting and fun to study. Remember, you’re investing in yourself!

The S.O.A.P. method helps me reflect and take in information and apply it to my life. Get yourself a journal to write in, one you can save and refer to in years to come. It’s interesting to return later to what you wrote!

           S – (Scripture) read a section of the Bible. Not too long, sometimes just half a chapter will give you something to mentally chew on. Then, reread it and think about what it says. 

           O – (Observation) What do you notice about what’s written in God’s Word? Who’s speaking? About what? What does it mean at first glance? Is there a more profound or broader meaning? Do research if you want! Grab a concordance and see what the words mean. 

           A – (Application) What does the passage you read mean to you? How can you apply it to your life and where you are right now? What concrete steps do you need to take? How will you measure your success?

           P - (Prayer) You know you’re not in this alone. Even when you feel like you are… you’re not! God’s Holy Spirit is with you, and it’s His job to lead you, interpret the Scripture for you, and help you. So, just open up your heart and talk to Him. That’s all prayer is, really. Talking to God. Tell Him your deepest secrets, hopes, dreams, failures, and accept His forgiveness and love and peace. He wants to spend time with you. I can promise you that if you put Him first in your life, He won’t let you down.

For more methods please follow this great link: https://www.olivetree.com/blog/7-step-bible-study-methods/

Getting involved in a local church

“No man is an island,” said the poet/clergyman John Donne somewhere around 1620. Finding a church that teaches God’s word, has a vibrant fellowship of believers, and is actively sharing God with their community is a fantastic thing to be part of. So, where can you join? 

There are literally thousands of places to worship with other believers to grow as a person and in a personal relationship with Jesus. However, churches tend to differ on several things, such as how baptisms should be carried out, when Jesus will return, and whether or not you can mix greens with blues (just kidding). The most important thing is what they believe regarding Jesus, His work, and our responsibility. If you stick to what’s central to the Christian faith, things will be just fine. 

Here’s what I believe: 

  • There is a God. He exists in 3 persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

  • Because of sin, we are all separated from God.

  • God sent His Son Jesus to pay for our sins (past, present, and future) so that we could have a personal relationship with Him.

  • We each have to acknowledge that Jesus is the Lord of the universe and believe in our hearts that He rose from the grave, thus conquering death and sin.

  • Then, by faith in what Jesus has done for us, we accept His free gift of grace and salvation. That is, we accept His payment for our sins.

  • When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts and be the Lord of our lives… that’s what saves us from an eternity separated from God.

Find a church that believes that and most other issues like baptism, gifts of the spirits, and where to do Sunday brunch will take care of themselves. Those questions are not central to your salvation, only peripheral questions. I’m not saying they aren’t necessary, just that those aren’t the things your relationship with God should be based on. 

For around 20 years, my wife Marica and I have visited the Global Leadership Conference at the Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. The organization is solid, and many Christian churches representing a diverse collection of denominations are members. Here is a link where you’ll find a denomination and church in your area to visit.

Find a church in the U.S.


Find a church internationally



How do I ask God into my life?

This stuff about Jesus sounds exactly like what you’ve been looking for - but what’s the next step? Ask God into your life and give yourself to Him. Here’s how:

First of all, you have to realize what the reality of the situation is. 

 o   God is holy. He’s perfect. He is love, the Bible says. Because He is the very essence of truth, He is light itself. And because of that, it’s impossible for darkness or anything that is not holy to enter His presence. So, when mankind sinned through its representative Adam, a separation occurred in man’s relationship with God. We could no longer be in His company or enjoy His companionship.

 o   Throughout history, people have tried to fix this separation in various ways. Mostly trying to be “good enough” and stuff like that. But the thing is… we can never be “good enough” to pay our debt against the eternal God. It goes on for eternity. 

 o   God recognized our predicament and inability to save ourselves from this eternal separation from Himself. So, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins. Christ died on the cross to buy us a ticket back home to God. He really died and bled for us and our debt to God so that we wouldn’t have to be lost forever.

 o   We are all sinners. Okay, what’s that word “sinners”? Word “sin” means “to miss the mark” or to “miss the goal.” That is, we know what we should do, but we don’t do it. We have to own that. 

 o   Christ is now offering you and me a gift of an eternity with God. Healing of that relationship that was destroyed so long ago. And we can accept His gift, His payment for us, and enter into a personal relationship with the only God of the universe. I hate to break it to you, but the gods of the Marvel Universe aren’t real. Neither is any other god of other religions. Jesus is the ONLY way. His gift of life is the ONLY means to an eternal life with God. 

 o   The ball is in your court. You need to make a serious decision that involves a commitment for the rest of your life. If you really want to become a Christ-follower, then all you need do is pray this simple prayer and mean it:

 Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I’m sorry… please forgive me. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I now turn from my sins, leave my past behind me, and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Thank you. 

 That’s it. Christ has promised that He will not reject anyone. And that He will never leave you. If you meant that prayer, then Christ is now your Lord, your sins are fully paid, you belong to Him, and He has given Himself to you. 


Tricky questions

Following Christ is never easy. He never promised us comfort, but He is helping us develop our character and turn into reflections of Himself. We live in a world that’s changing all the time, so why can we believe the Bible (written so long ago) is relevant to the culture we live in? 

We all have questions, and that’s okay. A God who is real should be able to stand up under serious scrutiny. There’s never been a conflict between science and God… because He made the existing universe and the physical laws that govern it. If you have questions you would like to know more about, I suggest following some of these links.

Is God real?

What's wrong with us and how can we get better?

Can I trust the Bible?

What about other religions? Aren't they all the same?

Why does God allow pain and suffering?

Why does God love me?
