Hi! Glad you dropped by. This site is for you! I hope you'll be able to find some encouragement here, some help on your way through life, and a friend who struggles with real problems just like you.
Whether you travel across the street or around the world, it doesn't take long to realize that we're all pretty much the same. We wonder if we're enough: good enough, smart enough, strong enough, attractive enough, and if anyone will ever love us. We're all trying to figure out our purpose here on earth or why we aren't as successful as someone else as we try to survive, pay our bills, raise families, and live our lives. We ask ourselves… “is this all there is?”
The answer is… no. There is more – much more.
I'm convinced there is a God, He's got everything in control, and that He loves you and me. And I know, without a doubt, He has a plan for our lives.
Why? Because I've experienced that love first-hand.
I hope this website will encourage you, add a new perspective, perhaps challenge, and give you resources to move forward. Things that will help in life and on your own personal walk toward the God who is waiting for you… no matter how near or far you may feel you are to Him. The thing is – He's only a heartbeat away.