Where are you going?
Psalms 1:3
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
So, what happens when you feed your body the right food? You grow and get stronger! You feel good. Remember the last time you pigged-out? Food hangover!
But what happens when we give ourselves the right resources and environment? Good things tend to happen. But it needs to be consistent. They key word here is “planted”. Commitment is super important. Progress and success don’t just happen by chance. The great slalom skier Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden was once asked why he was so lucky (he won 84 World Cup trophies). He responded, “I don’t know, but the more I practice the luckier I get.”
Resources, a good environment, and commitment to a cause or goal will yield tangible results. But remember to ask yourself what your goal is. Is it something that is only temporary? Will it matter in 5 years, 10 years, or when your grandchildren remember you? Is it something that will only affect you or will it be for the good of others as well? Determining a worthy and lasting goal is important.
There is nothing more important than directing our hearts and dreams and efforts toward glorifying and honoring our Lord. Why? Well, first-off, He is God… and deserves it. After all, He created us. But also because He loves us. Recognizing that love for us allows us to love ourselves as well. It gives us value. Then, we invest can invest in ourselves by identifying the goals that will help us develop into the people He has designed us to be. Goals that will honor Him. Goals that will bring others closer to Him so that they too can experience His love. And… because He is eternal… anything done for Him will last … forever! And we are designed for Eternity.
Have an amazing day!