What can one person do?
What can one person do to change the world? What could I possibly bring to the table when so much needs to be done?
It’s easy to feel discouraged, depressed and defeated when we look at the mountain of problems, suffering, injustice, and inequality in the world.
Today, I read in 2 Corinthians 4, where Paul says, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves.”
The old axiom “the more I know, the more I know I don’t know” reminds me of the treasure that God has hidden inside me. It’s incredibly humbling to realize that the God of the universe has placed in those who know Him, broken and utterly unworthy vessels, the greatest gift that could ever be given. That is, eternal life in a close and personal relationship with Himself.
It's not my job to save the world. My assignment is to do what I can to change the world around me by letting His light and love shine through me.
I remember hearing a story of two men walking on a beach after a big storm. Thousands of starfish were washed up on the sand and lay there dying, unable to return to the water. One of the men looked at the situation and said, “This really sucks, too bad for them.” The other man thought for a second, bent down, picked up a starfish, and tossed it in the water. Then he picked up another and another. His friend said, “Man, this is hopeless! You can’t possibly make a difference… there are so many!” The other man picked up yet another starfish and threw it in the surf, “Made a difference to him.”
We live, we love, and we work with the abilities and resources we have so that the love of Christ might shine to all.